Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Digital Self Portrait Numero Uno

  In every course I have signed up for this semester, aside from my Art History course and my Writing About Art Course, I have been given several assignments that have had to do with self portraiture. In my drawing class this meant doing charcoal sketches and rendering, in 3D process it meant creating a likeness of myself with cardboard, in Digital this assignment was slightly different. The first self portrait we were assigned wasn't even a LITERAL self portrait, it was more a collection of items and images that when smashed together represented who you are in a way. This assignment also stretched my knowledge of Photoshop quite a bit! I am no guru when it comes to technology, I am learning but it's a slow process! However I think this assignment was neat. It took the self portraiture to a different level.
   The boundaries of the project were that you had to select three items of yours to scan to the computer, one physical part of yourself, something that you've drawn, and use two digital photographs either of you or that you have taken. This is how mine turned out:
   Here I used my hand as the physical part of myself, partially because it was the easiest thing for me to photocopy and I've never had to scan anything other than pictures or documents! My objects were my necklace which was given to me by my friends mom when we lived in Spain, some silk sunflowers, and a masquerade mask I got from one of those small side stores in the mall. That one had to be my favorite, it has musical notes on it and delicate gold patterns around the edge. My two images are the black and white picture of me drawing in a windowsill and another picture of me from which I took the glasses and the eyes. And last but not least the drawing included is that owl in the right hand corner which is also reflected in the glasses above. Each item was picked because I either liked it or it meant something special to me. The sunflowers reflect a lot in my life, living in Spain in particular which is also where my necklace came from. I think for my first real Photoshop assignment this wasn't too bad!

   The storm rolled through Maryland quickly and gave me plenty of time to sketch, catch up on sleep, and work on that plaster mess that is due this week! That project and the watercolor in Illustrator will be up by the end of this week, so until then...or until I find something equally amazing to talk about...see ya blogger land!

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