Saturday, October 27, 2012

System Drawing/Painting

   Well the system drawing is done! It really is more of a painting in my case but I am pleased with how it turned out! I wound up downsizing the canvas a little bit to better suit my materials. Below are a few images showing the surface on which I was drawing/painting, the project half way through, and the finished product. There were a few issues that popped up in the process of making this larger version!
   First off as you can tell the surface is much different than the original small mock up. It was slightly textured thanks to the paper cut outs pasted against the canvas, small wrinkles created a pattern whenever I would put the buzz light year shoe print on the paper. The paint also didn't absorb like it did with the canvas material. However despite these slight short comings the surface worked well over all! And I kind of liked the way the paint stood out against it instead of absorbing.
   About half way through and I started having some issues with the face! I realized something. Whenever I am doing a portrait of someone I tend to try and be kind with the image, make a larger nose smaller or cheek bones more defined etc. I don't do these things on purpose, it just kind of happens? Anyways I realized while painting this that I kind of made her nose much smaller in the mock up of this project, it didn't really look like her. So when I tried to remedy that in this version of the painting it kind of looked strange to me. Now that I've finished it and I have had some time to put it aside and then look at it again it looks much better to me.
   And this is the finished product! My thought process behind this portrait was a bit different. The portrait is of Sally Ride, the first American woman astronaut in space. I could have done a lot of different things that had to do with space and her being an astronaut but I wanted to approach this differently. I wanted this image to express more about her than just her job. As I said in one of my previous posts where I discussed the mock up for this project I wanted to focus on her connection with children seeing as it was one of the few parts of her life that she shared with the world. In the mock up it didn't really come across as I'd hoped because people couldn't really see the boot print very well on the small scale. I attempted to remedy the error in communication of my idea here with the background. I made several "stickers" of the kind you would see as a younger student in school. Rocket ships, pencils, crayons, planets and stars, my hope is that this would lighten up the atmosphere of the piece. The comment made before by my professor was that it was very graphic and that in part didn't communicate my idea.

   I might be writing quite a few posts over the next few days seeing as Hurricane Sandy is suppose to be hitting us over here starting tomorrow and carrying through until Thursday! So I will be confined to my work and hopefully will have plenty to show and talk about by the time it's through. I have a few requests for tattoo designs in the workings and of course my class work. Until then I will bid you all adieu!

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