Thursday, October 11, 2012

Artistic Musings

Day three of the home-bound debacle. I did do work today but none of which I can put up here! Most of it was done in my 3D sketchbook or in Photoshop. Instead I had a bit of a rambling artistic thought and that thought was this: When do you really feel like an artist?

I mean it, when are you finally able to look at your work and just instinctively know that you are an artist, when do you feel it? Professors like to tell you that you are in effect an artist right now, but I know that most of us including myself don't feel that way. I feel like an artist in training. Of course I love what I do and am having so much fun! I suppose that the time when one feels like an artist is an individual experience...but there has to be a generalized time when you just feel it doesn't there? Like after your first exhibit, or after your first big commission or job? I was watching this show off Netflix the other day and one of the characters said something that really struck me. He said that even though he was a lawyer, he didn't feel like one. That he still felt like he was playing dress up in his fathers clothes and would be found out at any moment. Sometimes that is how I feel. Like I'm playing dress up in grown up clothing and sooner or later someone is going to drag me back down to earth kicking and screaming.

I think that that is what's so wonderful about the art world though. You never have to come down to earth. I know that feeling of accomplishment will come eventually..but like I said. Right now I'm just an artist in training. That is what school is for after all isn't it? I don't think you can really LEARN to be an artist, but school is there to cultivate your talent and help you to translate all of those ideas in your mind onto a canvas or something similar. They give you the tools for your craft.

Well! Tomorrow I will have some more pictures to post hopefully! I'm thinking about doing a really gross series on the inside of my throat as I've had mono. Except make several versions ranging from the realistic disease to a cartoonized version of little monsters running up and down my throat infecting me with their disease ridden fingers. I'm pretty sure I'm going to start in on that tomorrow just for fun, it's my sketchbook after all the professor said it should be a place for random-ness and individuality!

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