Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Work

Alright! Second required post and a little somethin before I start putting up the whole sculpture process I'm working on. I told you I'd be back before then! Much of my work has been done in pencil or charcoal, some  of it is actually work that was requested by friends or commissioned while other pieces were done for class or just for fun. I didn't have alot of images on my computer but here are some of the images I do have:

This image was taken straight from my sketch book and wasn't really drawn for any particular reason other than that the area around where my parents live contains alot of broken down barns and buildings that I find fascinating. It was done in pen and inks (my favorite micron pens that I now use for absolutely everything including note taking!) and I tried to focus more on the feel of the building with scribbled lines and the deep shadows on the barn in the center.

This is actually a portrait I drew from a magazine picture. A year or so back, before I was an art major, I took a non-art majors drawing course just for the hell of it and because I couldn't seem to stay away from the art world! Towards the end of the semester we began doing portraits and were instructed to draw 7 portraits of people we find in magazines. This was one of them. I used graphite for a majority of the image and soft pastel pencils for the color pops of yelllow and red/pink.

Yet another image for class but much more recent! This piece was done last semester for my first art major course: 2D with Vonminor. He knows how meticulous I am so the fact that this was one of my first projects pretty much floored him and made me proud as all git out to have pushed so far outta my comfort zone! This was done with black and white acrylic paint and news paper. I used pallet knife for the painting to create that kind of bursting effect and the newspaper brought a more organized contrast to the random paint streaks. The fun part about this project was that we had to do this based of off a previous sketch we had done in the course. So I took a sketch of a fake rooster which was very meticulous and zoomed in and created this! Definitely had alot of fun with this picture.

This owl was done last semester just for fun in my sketchbook. At the time I had a broken arm so I was practicing my details with my cast on, and I was pretty pleased with the result. I used graphite for the majority of the picture and then colored pencils for the colors in the eyes. I like making things quirky, which was what I attempted to do here with the chucks and the overly large eyes of different sizes.

This was actually one of the final drawings for that non-art majors course I took. We had to create a creature and try to  make it look as realistic as possible despite the fact that it was going to be a quirky pieced together bunch of crazyness! I have no clue why but I keep coming back to these quirky little birds. Unlike the owl above this little bird was something that I arrived at after looking at several pictures of different birds. Duck feet with long gawky looking legs, tiny wings, that long crooked neck, the puff head and overly large beak. I tried to play with proportions to make this little guy look as gawky and quirky as I possibly could. The bow tie was just an added touch because I felt it was missing something. I used all graphite for this image ranging from HB pencils to 6B.

This is the most recent of all of the work I am posting up at the moment. And the only complete painting as well! This was a commission that I was pulled in for by a friend of mine. He races competitively with longboarding and saw my work and wanted me to do something custom for him. I used acrylic paint for the whole board. I had so much fun with this one because it was the most different painting I'd ever been asked to do. And by far the most exciting because this board is now being used in competitions which gives me some publicity!

As you can see I am fairly comfortable working with graphite and just with drawing in general. I'm branching out a bit now with painting and sculpture and really trying to diversify my work through all different mediums. That is also why I'm so excited to really begin doing some digital work because I feel like it will really be a selling point for me as an artist in today's job climate and just in general really. It seems like everyone is looking for you to be able to work with digital tools, the traditional media isn't enough to get by on these days. At least that is how it appears.

Anywho I will be posting again soon with some images of the cardboard catastrophe that I am working on! Wish me luck!

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