Thursday, December 13, 2012

Parchment drawing

This isn't my final for my Drawing course but it IS what was just turned in and graded last and I forgot to put it up here! Basically I did a study where I textured/tinted my own paper and used a calligraphy pen to do this squid drawing with subsequent studies etc. 

The making of the parchment like paper wasn't really all that difficult! I looked up several different methods of tinting my paper and wound up using this one. Basically all you do is crumple up your paper, flatten it out again, heat up some water and put a couple tea bags in it and let it sit. Then you put the paper in a pan and pour the hot tea over it until the paper is lightly covered, you can use the tea bags to make certain areas darker than others as well by rubbing the teabag and squeezing it over those spots, slide the pan in the oven on low heat, and wait for most of the tea to evaporate. You can blot at it a bit as well. After that you take the pan out, let it dry, and tadaaa!!! The one thing was that the surface completely changed after the tinting so drawing on it was definitely an experience! The paper didn't absorb as much ink, because go figure the paper had already absorbed a whole lot of tea! All in all though I think the end result was pretty neat and it was a really fun drawing to do. 

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